Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Animal Kingdom

The Animal Kingdom Song 
By, Stephanie Lacayo

In the animal kingdom 
there are vertebrate and invertebrate
invertebrates just dabble 
while vertebrates have backbones

some swim and others fly
some crawl while others hide
this is the animal kingdom 
and there is all kinds of stuff inside.

Invertebrate are many

Lapbook Templates

Tourette Associations Around the World

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


A homeschooling portafolio is necessary

Things you must have in a H.S. Poratafolio:
- Cove Page
- Letter of Intent
- School Calendar
- Attendance Form
- I like to record how much time my son spends on each subject. Why? Because there are days where we won't cover a subject, or others where we get excited and do two hours project or a field trip.

I like to organize and plan each subject separately (teacher habits), this is helpful because with good planning comes an easy ride. True, it takes a while to do, but think of the benefit you will map the road you will travel, allowing you and opportunity to reorganize, extend, plan and create better connections between topics.
Some teachers only follow the structure of the book. Others, change it up each year.
For example, in science.

Plants, Living and Non-Living Things, Mammals, Vertebrates and Invertebrates.


Living and Non-Living Things, Plants, The Animal Kingdom, Vertebrates and Invertebrates

As a teacher you realize that sometimes by changing the order of things students can "get it" easier.

- Course of Study:  A list of all the subjects your child will be learning through the year.

For each subject I:
- Yearly Plan: Topics to be covered throughout the year and the objective for each one.

- As you write each one, you can write ideas for possible activities for a specific topic. (You don't have to it just helps, stimulate the teaching mind)

- Name the text and educational resources your will be using.

- Reading Log Checklist (additional stories or information about the topic your child reads. 

Once I ave completed a plan for each subject, I begin planning my WEEKLY PLANS, you can do this on the computer, a teacher planning book, or print and make your own.
